Fan FX1

LE 337.14

The black sheep of makeup, the fan brush is largely left out of women’s collection.  What many women miss out on is a cleverly designed brush with a multitude of uses. Great for dusting off excess powder, sweeping away specks of eyeshadow that fall onto your cheeks and great for creating a light cover of blush or bronze.

The bridge between quality cosmetics and a flawless complexion is in the tools used in-between. The brush you choose dictates whether your makeup holds up to the professionals or falls flat like an amateur. We import the finest BASF bristles from Germany to ensure perfect execution every time. The synthetic bristles in BASF mimic the softness of natural goat hair but not its irregular surface, which traps powders, dead skin cells, chemicals and bacteria. They are ideal for liquid foundation and concealer as they soak up less product than natural brushes so you use significantly less.

  • Feather Soft BASF Bristles
  • Easy Cleaning
  • Excellent Powder-Grip
  • Cruelty-free
  • Anti-bacterial& Anti-microbial