K7L COSMETICS is the culmination of a decade of meticulous market research and observation into a demographic that has had an intimate relationship with beauty throughout history, a relationship which is constantly evolving.

Beauty, in its rawest form, is not a case of style over substance, but rather a case of substance as style. Like food or fashion or artistry, it is graded by the quality of its ingredients and the confidence of its carrier. It is the substance of a creation which separates luxury from its imitations. With that in mind, we created a line of cosmetics whose quality of texture and effect spoke louder than its style, whose substance was its style.

Our focus was on formulating a line of products that would stand up to the highest standards of professional makeup artists. We offer our end-consumers admission into the gates of A-list luxury.

Committing to minimalist branding, our concentration is on the functionality of our products, not the fabulousness of packaging. We chased audacious hues, richly pigmented color, smooth application, intensity and durability, until we found ourselves with a comprehensive range of products to suit every woman, on every occasion.